I am Iron Man thank you for the memories signature shirt Jamie Holmes we’re got your back and your front shirt Joe Biden no more Malarkey Januvintage shirt Loser always whine about their best winners go home and fuck the prom queen shirt Well, surviving the plane crash was incredible, but dang if there’s not a pair of flip flops in my carry on because you lose your shoes when you go down the slide, and damn if I’m going to be standing on some wet, freezing tarmac in my socks for longer than it’ll take to get on the flip flops. In Panama, I used them to protect the bottoms of my feet in some nasty water and to walk on sharp coral.

So, when we built a snow shelter during cold weather survival training, I put on my socks, worked the strap between my big toe and the others, and slipped out in the shelter to go pee. They protect your feet from the surface, be it cold, wet Loser always whine about their best winners go home and fuck the prom queen shirt, sharp rocks, etc., and they can be replaced quickly. Oh yeah, the Hans Zimmer score is a knockout, as always.They cost next to nothing and in a pinch can be repaired with 100 mph tape (duct tape). Who would've thought I'd be saying "complex" in an actioner? Well, that's how The Rock surprises you, like a vicious left hook to the face. I loved Ed Harris' character, since it was not the standard black & white type, but a complex person. Ed Harris, Sean Connery, Nic Cage, and a few others are so talented in reading their lines in a unique way, one can see that these are truly great actors. (I really liked Sean Connery's character maybe a sequel with "Mr.John Mason"?) And then there are the heavyweights in acting, a rarity in action films. This film shines as an actioner that actually has a great, plausible plot, with some characters we wouldn't mind following on a journey. The dialogue is at times funny, always fresh, and sometimes intelligent.

I've watched it countlessly, and it seems to have the quick, energizing effect of a good song that we love to play again and again. Wow! The Rock is one of the most rewatchable films I own. team, leaving Stanley and John to work on their own to rescue the hostages. team, General Hummel's men kill the entire S.E.A.L. When John and Stanley are sent into Alcatraz with a Navy S.E.A.L.

Despite his extreme hatred of the F.B.I., John agrees to help Stanley. In 1962, John became the only inmate ever to escape from Alcatraz, and he stayed out of Alcatraz long enough to father a daughter named Jade Angelou.
That man is former British Intelligence Agent John Patrick Mason, who has been in prison for the past thirty years without a trial because he was accused of stealing the private files of J.
Stanley knows how to disarm the bombs, but he needs someone who knows Alcatraz well enough to get him inside. Stanley is needed because General Hummel has stolen some VX gas warheads and has announced that he will launch them onto San Francisco unless his demands are met. The death of his wife Barbara on Madrove General Hummel over the edge, and now he's holding hostages in order to get his point across. Womack tells Stanley that San Francisco's Alcatraz Island has been taken hostage, along with eighty-one tourists, by Marine General Francis Xavier Hummel who, for years, has been protesting the government's refusal to pay benefits to families of war veterans who died during covert military operations. Soon after his fiancée Carla Pestalozzi announces that she is pregnant, Stanley gets a call from F.B.I. Stanley Goodspeed, who lives in Washington, D.C., is a biochemist who works for the F.B.I.