The animal AI is similar to Far Cry 3 and the animals can be a real hassle. Your allies aren't exactly great either, several times I had Golden Path members running into my line of fire or running out in front of my car then turning on me, which was a bit annoying. Other times they will run to your location regardless of whether or not you've been spotted or made a sound. They are fairly easy to pick off silently and it is quite easy to remain undetected around them, even if you're standing right next to them which makes the game too easy. This isn't something that majorly impacts the game but I found myself sometimes wishing he was a silent protagonist.ĪI - The AI is nothing special in this, just your run of the mill enemy AI. The voice acting pretty descent but some of the dialogue is kind of clunky sometimes, mainly from Ajay himself, it just sounds kind of awkward at times.

The music on the radio was also fitting and adds to the feel of Kyrat perfectly. It sometimes felt like something Quentin Tarantino would choose in one of his films which is great because I always feel like he has a great ear for music. At some points in the game the music choice was pretty unusual but worked for the scenario at hand. Sound - The music in the game is very cool in my opinion.

This is a minor gripe though and considering the size of Kyrat and the amount of detail in the game it looks stunning. When you are flying around in the helicopter or the wing suit and look down at the trees below you will see them as flat, 2d trees which may show that the 360 struggles with the scale of the game as the xbox one looks superior. There are some slight shortcomings though. The character models are done to a high detail and for the most part you will be happy with what is on display. Graphics - Kyrat can look stunning and may leave you just admiring the world around you. Some of the other characters in the game were just irritating like Yogi and Reggie, there missions were interesting but the characters we just kind of grinding. The choices you make don't really make much difference but they are a nice touch. The story itself doesn't really flow properly and aside from glimpses of excellence it misses the mark. His generals aren't really introduced properly and pop up randomly which is a shame. Pagan Min is criminally underused and he only appears a few times through out the game which is a huge shame because he is a compelling character and given the chance, he could have been one of the great antagonists in gaming. The story isn't bad but it leaves a lot to be desired.
You will be given a series of choices which will sculpt the future of the land.
You find that Kyrat is in a state of civil war between Min and The Golden Path, a rebel movement seeking to free Kyrat. You arrive on a bus and soon find yourself in the company of the king of Kyrat, Pagan Min. Story - You play as Ajay Ghale who is returning to Kyrat to spread his mothers ashes.